Saturday, February 26, 2011

New About Tummies

Abdominoplasty otherwise known as a tummy tuck is procedure that is performed to remove excess skin of the tummy and to tighten the muscles of the abdomen if necessary. Tummy tucks are commonly performed on men and women who were once obese, have experienced weight loss, and for women following pregnancy. Many women who have had multiple pregnancies have stretched their abdominal muscles and the skin just won’t go back to the way it had been prior to the pregnancies. Typically, candidates for tummy tuck are men and women who have loose abdominal skin, or large fat deposits that just won’t go away with diet and exercise. Tummy tuck’s are performed under anesthesia. The incision is typically an extended horizontal scar. The procedure itself takes about two to three hours. Most men and women will take off two weeks before they return to work. The procedure is not the same as large volume liposuction. The results of a tummy tuck are usually long lasting, but it is important that you do exercise regularly and keep your weight under control. The procedure is often done as part of the Mommy Makeover. For more information visit

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